Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Aunika!!!!

We celebrated Aunika's 4th B-day yesterday! We all gathered at mom's house last night where we had a little party for her. We had Aunika's favorite cake (Kim's Chocolate Cake) and Ice cream. Then, to top it off... she received some gifts from her cousins, Aunts and Uncles, and Grandma and Grandpa. Aunika says thanks to everyone.

We got Aunika a new bike after her's got ran over by the Durango when I was backing out of the garage. Very important lesson learned that day for both Aunika and I.

My kids just love this Chocolate cake that Kim at Daycare would make. Aunika calls it the "black cake". Thanks for the recipe Kim! It almost looks like Hayden is most excited.

Thanks for coming to the party cousin Addison.


  1. Addison told me I was late for the party! Again. Happy Birthday Aunica, your a cutie-pie. Your hair is getting so long and beautiful. kim

  2. You're flowers are gorgeous! Hope Aunika had a happy birthday! Talk to you soon!
